Voltio said:
I like to sleep on a cold pillow...
-when i get dressed: right sock, left sock, right leg in pants, left leg in pants, phone in change pocket or right pocket, ciggs in right pocket, keyes in left pocket, change in left pocket, knife clipped on right pocket, wallet in right back pocket, right shoe left shoe. in that order, ALLWAYS...
-when i get in the car: hop in, start the car, push auto-down on the drivers window, put on seatbelt, if its cold out i roll the window halfway back up. turn on music, roll out.
-leaving the house i lock the deadbolt and try to open the door twice
-i can't wear a sweatshirt or jacket when taking a crap. i can only have a t-shirt on. if im about to take a shower and i have to crap, i'll get naked first
-after sex i have to have a ciggarette and then take a piss
-i dont share drinks straws chapstick etc... anything mouth related. i can makeout with a girl have sex whatever, i wont use her chapstick or have a sip of their drink...
-i get pissed at people who use a turn signal in a
turn only lane.
-when i shift into neutral i wiggle the shifter to make sure i an in neutral
whan i shift into 5th i come out of 4th and all the way to the left to get a "running start" to go into the 5th/reverse slot
-when i park i allways put the car into 2nd gear. i have ulocked the car and gotten back in to put the car into 2nd 'cause i forgot a couple times.
-i get super pissed at my friends [who all drive trucks] when they slam my trunk or doors. c'mon its a honda, not a 50 pound ford door
-when cops drive by me i mentally race them [3rd gear vtec like whhaaaaaaaaaatttt???
-no matter how far i'm driving i have to smoke at least one ciggarette in the car
-after i smoke 6 cigarettes, my lighter goes into the pack till i finish the pack
-i dont smoke camels. if im out and i ask to bum a cigg and you offer me a camel, i'll say "no thanks"
-theres a few more i'm sure...