Boosted 06 Si


RIP - MH - 11/06/06
It sucks that you can't even get traction at all through the first 3 gears with that kit. Too much power on a FWD car is kinda wasting money, in my opinion.
Well not like your launching in full yea I'm sure it can put alot of power to the ground and go in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. You can get traction in anything, it's just about keeping it while the motor makes power.


Boosted FG2
5+ Year Member
The LSD wasn't designed for straight line racing, though it helps, it was designed for corners and twisties=)

I have no issues with my stock LSD.


Rockin the d-series
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Sum good numbers.. Now you need to make a vid for everyone to see :thumbs up
