Bored today = Pics

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CJuiCE 00 Si MR said:
Get the f**k out of here with other peoples cars claiming them to be yours.

Here is the real picture of your sig:

Mouse's car.

Heres the first picture you posted also:


Are you saying that thats not his car?


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zach1288 said:
Are you saying that thats not his car?
they belong to a kid in CA that had been thinking of selling his unless he bought it...which the cellphone pic means he didnt because that wasnt the hood on chris' car....he is fakin the funk!!! :???:


Rocket Scientist
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Chris (Mouse_Si) still owns his car. I saw it a week ago and speak to him regularly, and when I click "reply to thread" the next thing I'm doing is calling him so we can all collectively laugh at your weak attempt at e-fame.

To clarify, THE FIRST PICTURE AND THE PICTURE IN HIS SIG ARE NOT HIS CAR. They are of Chris' car, and consequently, MY PICTURES THAT I TOOK MYSELF. I don't take it well that you blasphemized my watermark with your own and are posting Chris' car trying to claim that its yours (which is nowhere near as nice by the way) when it is similar only in that it is blue with red wheels. You are the epitome of what is called a POSER and in almost every definition of the word, a THIEF as well. Had you posted just a picture of your car by itself, I would have let it stand on its own merits (it's not the first horrible attempt at copying Chris' car after all), but to post my picture as your own by blatantly photoshopping your own name over mine and also trying to claim the car in the picture and sig as yours really just destroyed any kind of credibility you may have had anywhere. If you were smart, you might've posted it and said that it was your inspiration or a car you liked that you were trying to emulate, or even it was a picture that you liked.

Please take any pictures you have stolen and/or used in any kind of graphics or signatures down, I don't want my work to be associated with a thief.

-Daniel "digitalHorizon"

I have an entire album of random pictures of Chris' car (including the one from my graduation BBQ that was stolen and posted in this thread) on my site.

Also, to see the REAL car and the REAL pictures of it that I took, check the feature I did on it for June 2006... for those that want to see the real car and hear the real story behind it.



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Umm....yeah bro your hood don't match in those two pics.


Rocket Scientist
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Neither do the mirrors, foglights, front lip, or wheels for that matter.


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Wow first he lies about the xbox thing and now this!


#1 Hater
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LOL I knew something was up, I thought that blare was mouse si, I guess not



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JdmRice said:
LOL I knew something was up, I thought that blare was mouse si, I guess not

i dont think mouse has sat his lazy ass in front of a computer in prolly 3 months now!!! :lol: :lol:

its no fun when you get called out and are proven WRONG!


Stickin it to the Man
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who the hell is mouse?


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Shiznit said:

who the hell is mouse?
mousesi is the screenname from HT of the owner of the car that is in the pictures that blare is posting as his own.


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i wish i was cool enough to steal pictures of someone elses car!

lmao, no.... not really, its quite pathetic actually. Hes probably a 14yr old kid.
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