bov sucks


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LongGrain said:
loudest blow off valve i have ever heard was an HKS SSQV you can hear it like a half mile away, sounds like a whip
haha ive heard that one..

a kid on my block had a greddy bov on his supra..

it literally sound like somone is taking a hammer and hitting a wall..

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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boostedb16 said:
dont any one like the RFL , i just heard it is really good bov and "really f**king loud", but the forge sounds like it would be a nice one, but all of them seem to be for oem turbo cars.

hell yea thats what i bought for my setup....i love the bov sound and want it as loud as possible i dont care what ppl think its what the driver thinks....


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that was a good one "bovs blow", so it is because i have a shitty bov, and yes i thought that guy was full of it when he said it was because it was a honda.


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I think the guy was talking about the BOV actually blowing off when you're just stepping on the gas and not in gear. Its hard for a honda to build up boost by just stepping on the gas b/c most of the honda's have too big of turbo's to spool up that fast. but DSM's and all those turbo cars that are stock from the factory have small- medium snails


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T3 is a very broad range of turbo's man. there are various a/r's both hot and cold side and different trims as well. On eclipses they run T25's or tod4's almost the same as a t25. t25 are little.

my friends T3 .42 a/r doesn't make a sound, while pressing on the gas.


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slammedSI said:
The reason is you have a knock off bov.. its not made the same, and thats why it was a hell of a lot cheeper than the others. I have used gready Type-RS, S , and R all have been loud at 5 to 8 psi. my fav is the HKS its alot more then others cost wise.. but i love the sound..
X2, I have a greddy RS and I can hear it @ even just barely boosting at 1-3psi, loud and clear. lol. God damn though when I hit 7-8psi...mmmm....mmmm...


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ok, i thought a t3 was the smallest, and i would put a quote in here but i cant figure out how to.


Formally Green 91
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hell no t3 aint the smallest, when we turboed a miata we used a IHI and that thing was small. but god damn did that little miata haul some ass. :shock:

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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awesome same bov i much psi are you gonna run? let me know how it sounds....get a sound clip of it :D
