Can someone teach me manual?


New Member
So I'm thinking of trading in my 2010 Civic EX for a 2012 Civic SI but the thing is that I don't know how to drive manual. Is anyone willing to teach me, it would be awesome if someone can. I'm from the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Schaumburg, IL to be specific. Thanks!


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Teach yourself. People do it all the time. I did; my dad showed me the very basics and then threw the keys to the truck that was handed down to me one morning before school and said drive it or ride the bus, or ride your bmx, choice is yours. The best way to learn is hands on and most people aren't going to let you beat up and possibly destroy their clutch to learn (not that it happens all the time but some people are terrible at it and will burn up the clutch and most people don't want to take the risk, ESPECIALLY on a complete stranger).

One of my service writers at work just did this recently. We had a trade in that she really wanted but it was manual and she didn't know how to drive it yet. She watched videos online, bought the car, messed around in the parking lot after work, and then drove it home. Has been driving it daily ever since. If she can do it in a couple hours after watching some youtube videos on clutch release points, you can do it too.

Unless one of the guys here are willing to step up and risk their car, I know I wouldn't (if I lived anywhere near)...sorry man.
