Can you Solve King Bob's Riddle?


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Its a tribal drum.... Or just a drum...

Animal skin hides were commonly used... They were used for marching....


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can you define croppy, because I can't find that definition, and it might help! I was assuming the fish but not for sure.


Honduh's... LULZ
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google it man, but i think bag pipe FTW!!
King Bob said:
No. 9

pressed into service singing my song,
as long as you are able this note will go on,
I was once an animal what kind matters not,
So hike me up croppy we've got miles to march,
Song= pipes
as long as you able, you gotta keep the bag full, it take s a lot of air
animal skin makes the bag
and croppy is something to do with the irish

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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1999stockaccord said:

you got it

let me break it down for those of you who didnt get it

No. 9

pressed into service singing my song, -- you squeeze a bad pipe
as long as you are able this note will go on, - bag pipes play continously and are not interupted by taking breaths
I was once an animal what kind matters not, - animal skin bag
So hike me up croppy we've got miles to march, - croppy is a racial slur to the irish ( I am irish dont give me s**t) marching refers to a parade

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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No. 10

blowing my steam all across your seam,
skating as if on ice it would seem,

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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No. 11

Teaming with life all in a pile,
This strangest of things it can stretch on for miles,
Glittering dots seen from afar,
a fool might call it a lump of grounded stars,


Tree people on my radio
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King Bob said:
No. 11

Teaming with life all in a pile,
This strangest of things it can stretch on for miles,
Glittering dots seen from afar,
a fool might call it a lump of grounded stars,
a beach?


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all of those could be right, but i agree with beach and highway

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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nope none of these,

(haha, Lacey00 is my wife, this riddle thread has gotten her involved in cc, she is on my ass for the answer so I told her she had to participate everyone else )

edit: all the guesses have been natural things (cept the highway) wich technicaly arent "strange" at least not by the meaning of the riddle


I'm NOT eran!
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The only thing I can think of that teams with life in a pile and also goes on for large distances, often miles upon miles, is ant hills and termite mounds. I guess ants could glitter... but Iunno about that so...

(And honestly I think termite mounds are strange... they're freaking huge.)
