Lol...not so much. Not really anything like this for what I do will provide a lot of function. Maybe a little but not much. Most of the aero stuff is designed for high speed applications. Hoping to get in that situation VERY soon though
Well, I was off work from 2p on Tuesday last week through the rest of the week due to snow. While it wasnt much here, the region just isnt ready for it being it comes in any amount very rarely. But the TSX and Si stayed in the garage for the duration and we used the truck. Safer to be in that with the crazy people around here that do not know how to drive in Wifey is glad for my growing up in an area where I got plenty of
Rolled it out on Saturday for a start and warm up. Most of the snow was gone by then with exception to the areas where I made a path to the garage and trash.
RE-11 was not happy...
Yesterday was the first race of the season ...Only thing I like about VA...0 deg on Wed and Thursday, 70 on
They were being very nice for the first of the year...never seen anyone direction mark every slalom Usually just the first gate for
Reg check in, Tech, course walk, chill until drivers meeting cause she ready
Not a lot going on. Awesome weather over the weekend. Washed up the TSX on Saturday and the Si on Sunday.
Both away and happy for the
So I've been trying to mess with the new spoiler as time permits. I am just using PlastiDip for now until I decide I actually like it on the car and decide what I want to do paint wise. I damaged the dip the first time I messed with it when putting it up for safety. Was only a first coat so it wasnt thick enough to just peel up and was a pain to get cleaned up. But after some work...
3 coats back on it...
And I cleaned up the risers and got two coats of primer on one side and the inner and outer edges.
No pics but all paint is on the spoiler riser brackets and on the brackets that connect the risers to the blade. Just need to lay down the vinyl on the risers and do the bases.
This past Friday and Saturday were dedicated to removing the "function" and FAIL junk that were on my buddies ITR and install his Tein Flex, EDFC and J's intake duct.
I did however put in new bumper grommets since mine were ragged out and had
Anyway, when doing anything on the car, always have anti-seize!
Civic is looking great man.
the only* thing that would bothers me me on the ITR (I pay attention to detail too much) is the white core support section behind the bumper. I'd just spray some plasti dip or flat black on it and call it good.
Thanks man. If you are referring to the section by the intake duct that you can see, yeah, thats the We discussed that after
Proper shots will be taken Friday or Saturday. I just pulled the other one off and set this on to see if I wanted to go to the trouble of bolting it It was hard to get a good shot inside the garage, but soon And I know this will likely be a love/hate addition to the car. I think its going to tie all the other aero together though. More to follow!