lol i remember when one of my hids burnt out and i drove around with one stock bulb and one hid 8k bulb
lol settle down i think he means turbo zc>na zcwhats with his whole "headed in the right direction" bull ish? sounds like hes a top notch tuner, maybe we should ask him EVERYTHING, but then again, Chaos, this is your car, so the right direction for him MUST be vtec or something, or maybe he is a chevy man and wants to see all hondas die....hmmmm.....
no i dont think thats ithaha yeah, or hes ass hurt becuase he wants a ED/EF and cant afford the 300 for a shell lol
Can you keep it running if you give it gas? Do the cylinders get flooded?thanks !!! ^^^^
well i tried my buddys 450cc injectors and still no luck.....messed with timing and base idle screw and still dies instantly on start up.....
sooo its gotta be either the ecu, chip, or the map sensor
any opinions??
can the map sensor be even the cause of it not to idle itself?
yeah, it went from christmas, all the way to now...or maybe it will be done on holloween? lol just kidding....Some kind of Christmas build huh...I just like seeing it in the car so good luck with it.