check engine light


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I have not changed out the cat yet. I am waiting until i get my car inspected before considering replacing the cat with straight pipe. i thought the o2 sensor was on the cat itself though?


Why am I such a pimp?
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Originally posted by b16asi226
bein bored, doin my job so the ugys up north (we all know whats north of kuwait). im a graphic artist in the army. i get to mind f**k the iraqies with my PSYOP skills!!!
Hey where in NC are you located?


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The check engine light is not covered under factory warranty. As, initially mentioned, I found this out the hard way about 1 year ago when the check engine light came on....I brought my car to a honda dealer, they charged my $100 dollars to reset the switch and tell me that I was overdue for an oil change. Most expensive oil change ever.

The factory warranty did not cover any part of that, nor did the extended warranty which i purchased with the car that has since expired.

I guess I am still confused as to whether I really just need to bite the bullet and take the car to a dealer to find out exactly what is causing the check engine light to come on, or if I am understanding all the above responses correctly and the light is a direct result of something associated with the new exhaust system.

Again, when i turn the key and start the car...all the dummy lights come on, then they all go off like normal, then the check engine light immediately comes back on. Is this what translates into one short flash that is mentioned in some of the above responses? Or am i missing somthing and need to be looking for the codes somewhere else?

From what i understand, the light coming on immediately after ignition translates to one short flash, which according to the above mentioned EDU code list means the primary oxygen sensor failure, which i was under the impression that this sensor is the one located on the catalytic converter itself.

If all this is true, it is possible that the sensor was damaged during installation of the new exhaust system, or it is malfunctioning for a different reason related to the new exhaust. This is what i understand to be correct. Let me know what you guys think.


Listen to Static Lullaby
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this happend to me twice. I had to change the O2 sensor in both cases. The first one that went out was the one in the header. then the one in the cat. about 3 months later. I bought my new sensors off ebay for 50 bucks each. They where going for $200+ for 1 at kragens. But you are going to have to go there anyway. YOU HAVE TO BUY A SPECIAL SOCKET TO REMOVE THE O2 SENSOR! its like 12 bucks. and when you are putting in the new sensor disconect your battery. you can do all of this yourself in about 20 min for each sensor.


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unhook your battary, make use you have your radio code if its got one. this will should rest some of the check engine codes, depends on if its a real problem, schedualed maint or just somthing stuipd.
the oil timer rest is in your guage clustor. push it with your keys or somthing and bingo. i think they go off every 3750


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Originally posted by HomeGrown
YOU HAVE TO BUY A SPECIAL SOCKET TO REMOVE THE O2 SENSOR! its like 12 bucks. and when you are putting in the new sensor disconect your battery. you can do all of this yourself in about 20 min for each sensor.
on my car i just used a universal wrench and made it the right side and twisted it right out.


Listen to Static Lullaby
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you should need the socket for the one in the header. for the one in the cat, you probably dont need it. whats a "universal wrench"? I never heard of that tool before.
