Civic 2001 weird overheating problem!!!


New Member
My civic 2001 lx has a weird overheating behavior....

when i have about 20 or 30 minutes on highway the temp gauge begin to raise to the top and when i stop and turn the car off, wait for 1 to 2 min and then turn car on again i can see the needle to go down slowly back to normal temp. :2confused

When that happens, it can be 2 or 3 maybe 6 weeks to happen again...

Coolant level is OK , never had to complete.
Fan seems to be ok.
Changed radiator cap about 6 months (i don't know exact timeframe i have to change it :cry:).
HG was changed about 8 months ago (Never had this problem before HG change).

The problem started about 3 months ago, had happend 4 times.


I had a Civic once.
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Did you bleed the coolant system after the HG was replaced? If not, you might just have air in the system that needs to be bled.


New Member
How many miles on radiator anything over 100,000 miles the rad is over half plugged up not as much cooling when that happens at 200,000 your rad only flows 1 or 2 gal a minute and new it does 25 gal a minute think about it


New Member
I have never changed the radiator and it has 215,000

110,000 on my hands.

The radiator looks worn and old so i decided to change it.

I bought on amazon a new denso radiator for about $50, radiator cap, hoses and fan switch.

I'll change it and fill again with coolant, taking care of not letting air in the system.

I'll write back with the results.

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Taking an H-T break
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Whoaa.. easy there...theres a process that needs to be done.. not just pouring coolant in the rad.

Either park the car on a uphill plane or jack up the front to make sure the cap is at the highest point..

Fill rad and start car, turn on heat
While the car is idling, Slowly squeeze lower hose to push air out.
Slightly rev the engine to 2500-3k and squeeze hose.

Keep refilling as the level goes down.. When theres no more bubbles rising to the top after squeezing hoses... then your done. Put on cap and fill the reservoir.

the bleeding should take 10-15mins for all the air to escape.


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Not bleeding the system correctly is a very large cause of overheating problems in civics. Many people get it wrong and come here looking for help. Do it right and you shouldn't be back.


New Member
I replaced the water pump, radiator thermostat, cap and fan switch...

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Anthony Xiong

Check your head gasket and bleed your system. Make sure all the air bubbles come out also, when you bleed it.

I had the same issue with mines. I bought new thermostat etc and it was still overheating, so I checked my headgasket and it was blown. So I ended up just buying a new longblock for it,
