whats the KM's converted to miles? just wondering looks clean and a nice built, but id say price it around 10-12. Hell ill be happy to get 9 outa mine and its all top-brand parts.
anyvids? or rolling shots? i love how it sits on those rims.
also how much would it cost to get into the US? is there a tax that would have to be paid?
The price is negotiable
The mileage on the chasis converts into 49 710 miles. The car had one owner before me.
The mileage on the build converts to about 9900 miles.
I have a couple vids on the camera but only one on Youtube...This vid was shot at 21psi and 330 whp (3psi less and about 35whp less then I'm running now)
As for a rolling shot, the first pic is a rolling shot
I think I might have an older one lying around too.
and for importing to the US, I have a full size trailer and truck to transport cars. So depending on the locating and the offer, I can transport the car to the buyer. I'm not sure if there are taxes in the states when importing a car; I know that there are here in Quebec, but we pay taxes on everything lol
The car is getting professionally detailed as we speak. My detailer has been working on it for the past 5 hours...the paint looks REDICULOUS ! lol
I have another video lying around on my camera that I'll try to upload