CJUICES 00 si...


Junglist Soldier!
5+ Year Member
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why shout ricer at that guy?


timmy the testie rules!!!
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that is a good vid. i got a question for ya have you ever heard of a guy name blades? he has a cobra vid witht he same song and i was wondering if that were you got the idea from. if you havent nice song choice for the vid.


timmy the testie rules!!!
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Tipsy_AA said:
That was a nice video. The burnout was pretty sick too. What was the name of that song? It sounded pretty tight.
if it is the same vid i have already it is finch-what it is to burn.

Genuine Rolla

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not too bad of an edit.....not feelin the red background for the titles but it was really put together well bro, keep up the good work!


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CJuiCE 00 Si MR said:
i posted it again, but heres the link AGAIN...

go f**k yourself, in the ass, e-thug, and u gues are acting like the focus wasnt quick...it trapped 1mph and ran .2 faster then me in the 1/4

way to hop on the bandwagon

"Ominous G2"
my car is very slow, i never once said it was fast, cause it isnt, and you are also acting like the focas i ran was stock..it was FAR from it...
Your an intelligent individual saying things like this.... and by the way just because the focus runs at mid to low 15 does not mean it is quick at all... you sir are what us "real" tuners call a ricer.... a "quick car" runs 14's IMO and a fast car is in the 13's and below, I wasnt trying to just dog on your car for no reason.. i just feel that if it isnt a fast ride... dont drive it like it id cause you look stupid and pathetic... now shut your dicksucker.

CJuiCE 00 Si MR

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thanks for your input. yes i know my car is not quick @ all, actually its pretty slow, i get pulled by minivans
