clearing headlights


Keyboard Cowboy
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ocbasbalburg said:
Are those the ones for the taillights? cuz i need to get me some of those too

think its a 4448 bulb, its a double fillament but still works. The only place I could find the bulbs around here was a local Autozone store in their rice section.


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so i bought some of those silverstars, and none of them fit. So i just took out the reflector , and left the other one that was around the bulb. Im not to happy about it, but it looks 100 times better than stock at least


#1 in the Atlantic!
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The last time I saw them, Pepboys had a new display with them. I didn't check the price though. Next time I stop in, I'll let you know. I'm sure it's at a premium like their headlight bulbs, but usually well worth it.


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Yeah i bought them and they cost $20 for the set, but they only had 3 different types. I tried all three and none of them worked. the bases wouldn't lock in and the blinker would go really fast, like they do when they are burned out


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whats up

i did mine too, but it took me like 2 hours to do them because i didn't put them in the oven , i had a hard time taking them apart
