CoD black ops: post ur player emblem


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And that is EXACTLY what my problem is with this. I absolutely NEVER signed any contract with Treyarch limiting my manners of conduct when I purchased the game, therefore I dont see how they can get away with this.
the only thing i think they could do is just take the emblems away from everyone or voice ban people for language, racist comments, etc.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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I feel like every1 forgot to post pics?

Btw I love how companies ever want to deal with the problems at hand, like servers ad stuff..

Cause we all kno how much fun it is to be at 15 kill streak then yu get hit with lag and ur game turns into a slide show.


captin sleep0
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vic, its a contract you have with xbox live, the game has to uphold the rules, its a third party contract, and lag testing a game before its released is kind of hard, stress testing a server for like 8 million users is not really a test we currently have. they are working on all problems within the game, some take longer than others to fix. small problems that are easy to fix get fixed faster, such as emblems that are offensive.
to make my point more clear i did not see any of you who are upset about the banning's upset at all in the past about the clan tag/gammertag limitations like not allowing "gay" or "slut" or "f**k" in clan tags, whats the difference?
