Comments and Opinions


I had a Civic once.
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Meh. Seems like they need too much work. But if you can find a decent shell you could use the motor...


New Member
I payed 825 for my sedan now it may need a trans in the somewhat near future but as is it drives pretty freaking good. It has fairly minor body damage I say minor it will need a fender but it is all the same color. Those look like somebody's hacked up i forgot what I was doing in the middle of doing it projects. You can see from the artwork he really cared about them. Not to mention the busted telling how long it's been like that.


New Member
The top one the '90% done one seems to make it work it i asked to see it drive and go through all the gears if it can do it and runs at least okay then i will pick them up otherwise i geuss forget it the paint is not an issue and the bumpers are right there parts can be switched between the two just as long as it runs its all good, i have been seeing lots of full swap with tranny for like 450 so i geuss getting that all for 450 and then selling the bodys as scrap would bring me back some cash,
