It's been in the mid to low 90's for the past several days. I think it's the hottest it's been in my town since I've been here (13 years), or atleast as far as I can remember. The shitty thing is, when I leave work to go home, the a/c JUST starts getting cold when I'm about 3 minutes away from home... And the ride home is 15 minutes so it's not even worth it to wait.
My girlfriend doesn't have central air conditioning (or whatever) in her home though. She's got a really very old house and it gets so damn hot in that house. She's been sleeping over for the past 2 nights.
And just last week and the week before when the rain was hitting, it was in the 80's or low 90's (can't remember) and I DIDN'T have a/c. Know how much that sucks? When it's muggy and hot as hell out, pouring out, and you have no a/c and the full cold blasts out warm air.