boostedcivicd15 said:
mine held twelve psi daily for 3 months. and it only went because the wastegate broke and it spiked up to 17psi, pegged the damn boost gauge. this engine had 200k, no smoking, ran perfect (dialed out the a/f ratios on the wideband, and it allowed me to monitor it while driving), and screamed like a demon.
everyone knows you dont measure motor capabilities with PSI. Your credability just dropped a peg in my books. You measure it with HP(or whp).
I could run an H22 with a GT12 @ 30 psi and get the same amount of power out of a H22 with a GT30 @ 8 psi.
and getting d15's with trannys for under 2 bills is rare considering all d-series tranny's are interchangeable. consider yourself lucky on that deal.
230whp is a safe number with a good tune (12 A/F throughout pb) and proper maintenance (belts, plugs, seals, compression, etc)
with a FPR of VAFC setup, most people will say (and I agree) don't go over 200whp or 8psi.