Describe The Person Posting Above You...


^^^In a guilty reaction to the unrefuted proposal that "she" is actually a burly, bearded lumberjack, "she" now makes the petty, vengeful claim that I am a pink tutu-wearing JDMPrncss. "She" knows full well that I would only wear a blue tutu.


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
^^^In a guilty reaction to the unrefuted proposal that "she" is actually a burly, bearded lumberjack, "she" now makes the petty, vengeful claim that I am a pink tutu-wearing JDMPrncss. "She" knows full well that I would only wear a blue tutu.
<<Forgot that you liked blue Im sorry! Lumber jacks don't know much about tutus member>> we chop wood!


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
^^^username is 1lowcoupe which contrasts his info panel that states he is an owner of a hatch


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
^^has been a member for 4 years and only has 89 posts.:shock: wow way to be a post whore (meant for jerk)

edit:^^^does not have a car apparently??


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
^^Thinks my car is beast but she is all beauty =)^^
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