theres 2 types of injectors- low impediance ~5 ohms (peak and hold) and high impediance ~15 ohms (saturated). civics/integras after 91 run saturated injectors, preludes/accords after 96. saturated does not require a resistor box, peak and hold does. saturated injectors make more heat, and are slower to react than peak and hold, which is why most larger injectors are peak and hold.
spray pattern is vital to proper cylinder filling. using injectors designed for a different type of vehicle (such as rx-7 or mustang injectors) isnt really reccomended. dsm injectors work because their pattern is very close to a hondas. the rx7s is not, because the injector sits at a very different angle and requires the fuel to be sprayed differently. people using rx7's tend to have half the combustion chamber overly rich, with the other half overly lean, because of poor mixing.