Dim battery light on 96 Honda Civic DX


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this forum and I have a problem with my battery light. First off my battery light was flickering on and off and I found out that both my battery and alternator were shot. So I changed them out and I now have a brand new battery, and a brand new alternator and a brand new alternator belt, since the other one was old. I hooked everything up correctly and the battery light turned off. (I also checked the colts and it stays on a steady 14.3-14.2) The next day I noticed that the battery light was very dim, and it now constantly stays on, but it is very dim, it's not completely illuminated. I checked the voltage again and it is still at the 14.3-14.2. Does anybody have any experience with this? Sorry for the long post I just wanna make sure nothing else is wrong with my car. Thanks in advance!
I can take pictures of it if you guys need it to see what exactly it's showing.


New Member
Here is a pic of it you can see the light compared to the brake light: image.jpg image.jpg

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New Member
Check fuse #15 under the dash. If it's blown, replace it. If it blows again, check this TSB: http://www.tegger.com/hondafaq/tsb/civic/x99-029e.pdf

And :welcome: to ClubCivic!
I checked the fuse it wasn't blown, I also switched out a brand new fuse and it still didn't solve the problem, I'm going to check the wires in the engine bay to double check if I hooked everything up correctly. Thank you for your input, I'll keep you updated.


New Member
So I actually found a crack in the printed panel behind the instrument cluster so I attached some copper wire to it and made sure I had connection with a multi meter:


Everything looked good I hooked it up and the battery light is still on, so I'm guessing the lift isn't getting enough amperage causing the light to come on slightly?



New Member
I just ordered a new printed circuit board for $20 so hopefully when that comes in, I'll install it and it should solve the problem. I'll keep you guys updated.
