Dont Ride a motorcycle if your an idiot.


the prodigal child
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
the woman holding the camera "OH SHIIIIT!!!"



I didn't do it.
Registered VIP
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:retard: what a retard!!!!
"Is that a tree? No. Its the highway on ramp. Speed up. Yup,
definately speed up. Yeah, I'm a good driver."

Ya feet dont touch the ground----GROW.


My Names kool.
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if i saw him on teh road i would hit him on perpose


Broke ass racer
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
why didnt he try to turn?did he try to stop because it didnt look like it.It look like he wanted to hit the tree. who the hell let him on the bike any ways.dumb ass


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
he probably panicked and fixated on the tree. I dug the safety gear he was wearing for his first ride.

he's actually pretty lucky he hit the tree and landed on the grass, rather than other, nastier bits.


the prodigal child
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Originally posted by Kamikaze
he probably panicked and fixated on the tree. I dug the safety gear he was wearing for his first ride.

he's actually pretty lucky he hit the tree and landed on the grass, rather than other, nastier bits.
yeah, thats what people do when they panic... they lock onto something, and subconciously aim themselves right at it...

havent you ever noticed that about 99.9% of skid marks that go off the road are heading right for something? like a sign, a tree, a hydrant, mailbox.... etc.


Still Brits #1 Fan
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its better then getting more speed and then hitting somthing.


Suck Ass Evil Pooper!
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Damn im glad i don't live next door to that guy!!! I would never park my car in the street again!


Dirty South Side
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Originally posted by nichecivic
What in idiot indeed. I almost did that once, if the clutch is on a hand bar its in the same place as the brakes on a 4wheeler. However, that wouldnt explain the rev... Oh, btw I managed to pull the break on the other side in addition to the clutch before I whacked into a tree.:slap:
