so the other day some jackass decides to ride his bike down a 45 mph street instead of just riding on the sidewalk right next to it. usually not a big problem to me, just a little annoying, but the guy driving in front of me, instead of swerving around the guy like a normal driver would, he decides to SLAM on his brakes and drive behind the biker. this in turn causes me to slam on my brakes, causing the wheel cylinder to explode, leaking brake fluid everywhere, bending my backing plate and brake shoe on the drivers side, and rendering me with no brakes. luckily (or so i thought) i got my brakes fixed just a week earlier and still under warranty Merchants tire gladly towed me for free and said they would fix it. then i come to find out somehow my rear axle got bent? wtf? so they cant fix the brakes until the axle gets fixed. so now i have to tow it to another place to get a new axle (i think) and THEN tow it BACK to merchants and get the brakes fixed. this sucks so bad. no point to this story really, just venting. the worst part is that im trying to sell the truck so now i have to put all this money into it that im never going to get back.