Duals on civic!!!


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Originally posted by "FreakTimmah"

you know i dont care if you guys wanna put dualz on your civics, but why use the folgers fart pipes? :?: i mean if your gonna do it, fine i understand the whole "show" thing but make it look good!!! if the pipes on those cars were half the size they are now they'd look decent....

just my .002
im actually changing my whole exhaust system...hopefully this summer. still gonna be true to myself and keep dualies, but have them set up better and have more tasteful exhausts...similar to mentioned, about half the size, more like the size on the s2000.

and i was wondering...why havent any of you talked s**t on the s2000? 4 banger with dual exhaust? yes i know its a fast little car thats way cool. does the fact that both exhausts come straight out of the cat make it better performance wise? because why would honda make a car like the s2000 then make it slower with dual exhaust. this isnt something to start beef, i just wanna know. maybe i can toss an s2000 cat on my car!


Volvo > Civic
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thats true...they do tastefully boast duelies! And about those folgers cans.....they are Tanabe Racing Medallion style. Tanabe is one of the most respected exhaust company's in the import world. I have a Tanabe Racing Medallion system (the real one) and it sounds and looks bad ass! It is also one of the lightest, most power producing exhausts you can get for a civic.


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Originally posted by "Rice4Brains"

FreakTimmah said:
you know i dont care if you guys wanna put dualz on your civics, but why use the folgers fart pipes? :?: i mean if your gonna do it, fine i understand the whole "show" thing but make it look good!!! if the pipes on those cars were half the size they are now they'd look decent....

just my .002
im actually changing my whole exhaust system...hopefully this summer. still gonna be true to myself and keep dualies, but have them set up better and have more tasteful exhausts...similar to mentioned, about half the size, more like the size on the s2000.

and i was wondering...why havent any of you talked on the s2000? 4 banger with dual exhaust? yes i know its a fast little car thats way cool. does the fact that both exhausts come straight out of the cat make it better performance wise? because why would honda make a car like the s2000 then make it slower with dual exhaust. this isnt something to start beef, i just wanna know. maybe i can toss an s2000 cat on my car!
ha, well honda is notourious for gimicky dual exaust on a few of their cars(ie v6 accord and s2000). i dont really see a prob with it cuz its all marketing. just like the srt-4 neon, although thats actually a really cool exaust set up cuz thers no mufflers.....

the bottem line is that i dont have a prob with duals on a four banger if its done tastefully enough. the dual fart cans look liike ass though, im glad your re-doing them, that should look preaty decent 8)


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I like RM style!

Project Zero

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my honest opion is that they look ricey...but if you like them thats koo and thats wut matters......... Good Job man.
