DX Top Speed


I Am Jacks Slow DX
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just a simple question but i was just wondering what's the top speed of a stock dx hatchback?

Bangin' HB

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cant confirm, but i was told it is about 120mph or 193kph since you are canadian, but not sure if honda changes the speeds for the kph cars(usdm stop at a nice rounded number, maybe yours will be 190 to stay even, not sure).but, ive only been to 115 before i backed off, so i havent touched the govorner yet.


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my 91 dx tops out at 52mph, that is so hella fast, not. it will be 128mph when i drop in the b18c!


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by 91b18hatch
my 91 dx tops out at 52mph, that is so hella fast, not. it will be 128mph when i drop in the b18c!
should be faster than 128 if you throw a GSR engine in..my 2000 ex with stock motor has been 123 at the top end of 4th


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no, the gsr tranny has shorter gear ratios and only tops out at 128. the ls tranny tops out at around 180 if i remember correctly


I Am Jacks Slow DX
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Originally posted by Bangin' HB
cant confirm, but i was told it is about 120mph or 193kph since you are canadian, but not sure if honda changes the speeds for the kph cars(usdm stop at a nice rounded number, maybe yours will be 190 to stay even, not sure).but, ive only been to 115 before i backed off, so i havent touched the govorner yet.
why does the spedometer go to 220km then?


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the stock DX tops speed is 125 cuz ive done it before...........

Bangin' HB

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Originally posted by Jeff1119
why does the spedometer go to 220km then?
220, damn. my sir cluster only shows 190kph. dont know why they are different, but a company will always have the speedos higher to be optimistic. rather have it more than you can do then not enough and have the needle is space.


I Am Jacks Slow DX
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Originally posted by Bangin' HB
220, damn. my sir cluster only shows 190kph. dont know why they are different, but a company will always have the speedos higher to be optimistic. rather have it more than you can do then not enough and have the needle is space.
lol i dun know.. i would kinda like to sink my spedometer.. lol make me think i'm going really really fast

Bangin' HB

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haha! ya, sink the needle and have it look something like this:



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so far i have only done 115 before i hit too much traffic and had to slow down or saw cops and had to slow down really quick


captin sleep0
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Originally posted by 91b18hatch
my 91 dx tops out at 52mph, that is so hella fast, not. it will be 128mph when i drop in the b18c!
hey look you said hella and you arnt from nor cal... the cancer spreads hahaha


92 4doorSleeper
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My Bro girl's 94 4door GSR(Stock B18C1) hit 140mph coming from Florida back to va My bro's EG with JDM B18C & B18C5 Tranny run only 120mph cause JDM ECU cuts back fuel to limit speed & it does this in 4th so I would assume I may top out at aroud 150-155mph. Pretty fast for a Honda hard for me to believe.


I Am Jacks Slow DX
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hey i just have a question.. is it bad to take the car out of gear without the clutch in.. because i was driving one day and i forgot to push the clutch in when i was switching gear.. lol luckily i noticed it before i put it in 3rd.. anyway was just wondering


I Am Jacks Slow DX
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Originally posted by Bangin' HB
haha! ya, sink the needle and have it look something like this:

lol can u make it go just a little more faster.. lol j/k


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it's not great for it. but I'll just say you can get away with it but if you do it all the time it might start wearing out the gears.


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it saves you clutch just wears out your gears more. there is an art to clutchless shifting. i am starting to get pretty good at it. you just gotta let off the gas like you are going to shift and smothly put it into the next gear. i can't do it on 1-2 shift and it is difficult and can't do it sometime on the 4-5 shift.

Bangin' HB

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Originally posted by Jeff1119
lol can u make it go just a little more faster.. lol j/k
matter of fact, i can. anything special you wanna see the cluster do? :twisted:
