ebay exhaust


I piss on fender gap.
5+ Year Member
i had an ebay exhaust on my EG and i had true greddy 'street performance' catback on my old accord. i honestly dont see or hear any difference between the two. i had the ebay exhaust on my civic now since february and it sounded exactly like the day i bought it....maybe i just got lucky? :what: but i just recently installed the stock catback. i have a friend whos hatch has an ebay catback and it sounds like s**t and had to be custom fitted and now around the welds broke and it had to be re-welded.. and it isnt even that old he's had it since march... so i guess it depends. personally, i would say IF YOU HAVE THE CASH to shell out get a name brand, but imo personally i dont give two flying fecks


Zinc Member
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bizoneoeh said:
Well, I'm running about 186hp boosted @8psi. I had a 2.75" custom exhaust made for me and just threw on a cheap generic muffler. I don't get into all that fancy name brand s**t, I don't care how my s**t sounds just as long as it works ;) So I say that ebay muffler would work fine

BTW, it doesn't sound bad at all anyway. Check it out ;)



Zinc Member
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oh, there are only a few things that to me you should get name brand. Ignition systems, Turbo, Tires, Internals, Clutch, and suspention. Those really are important parts, that and your air filter, the ebay long rams are great but the filter the have sucks ballz
