
New Member
I just bought my 1st honda. 3 days later it fries my battery. I was driving on the freeway my stereo started smoking and all of a sudden my car lost power. It wouldnt crank over period unless it was jumped by another car. Would it have blown the ECU or a main relay?


Your Mom's Moderator
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It's possible that it's fried, although impossible to tell through words over the net.


New Member
We thought it was a blown fuse so we replaced it and it wasn't that so my friend thought it was the main relay so we replaced that. and he said the only thing it could be was the ECU.


Your Mom's Moderator
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Ah yes, the replace stuff one by one method of fixing a vehicle. I don't recommend doing that, but a lot seem to go that route. It can be quite expensive.


I had a Civic once.
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I'm a day late and a dollar ugly on this one, but check that you have the proper fuses installed. For example, a 7.5A fuse is in place for your alternator. Pop a larger fuse in, and you have too much electricity flowing, which can cause smoking, fires, etc.

Check your wiring too - inspect the harness for damaged or burnt wires. Since you suspect the ECU, check those wires even more thoroughly. Like Cary said, just replacing things at random and hoping that solves your issue is not the best way to troubleshoot.


4 Banger Deluxe
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Can you keep the car running or cranking long enough to check the output of the alternator? Usually a car does not just start smoking and cut out, especially if it came from your radio and then died. Sounds like it may have had a power surge or something, which could possibly kill the ECU, check any fuses/ relays associated with the ECU, and alternator. Just at tip, there is a big fuse (usually around a 80 Amp ) located in the fuse box, its the main relay coming off the alternator, this is supposed to prevent damage in case of a surge, good luck, you can save money by troubleshooting!
