electric turbo?


OG スバリスト
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kids. behave. pleaes.


Hit the vtec
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^^^^Sorry i will watch my language next time.


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oh man this turned into some funny sheet. That leaf blower thing was MAD funny.


OG スバリスト
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rollinj86 said:
^^^^Sorry i will watch my language next time.
it's not the language. it's the attitude.


Hit the vtec
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Well its tough asking questions and getting flamed why cant people just answer nicely instead of starting s**t online all he asked was a question and he was getting his answers but then out of nowhere this guy just starts talking shiet.


OG スバリスト
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i think it's due to the fact that we've covered this before, multiple times. that's why clubcivic keeps all threads ever made. we have a search function.


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anfrey said:
i think it's due to the fact that we've covered this before, multiple times. that's why clubcivic keeps all threads ever made. we have a search function.
Do you know how incredibly har dit is to sort through all that sheet though? With all the great content on this site, you search for electric turbo, and it brings up EVERY instance of ELECTRIC and TURBO. How many times could that possibly be put in an import tuner site? I mean I search aa little before I post, but I hate the s**t handlebars posts, that guy goes off whenever he can. He drnks lots of HATERade.


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MySiIzFaster said:
Do you know how incredibly har dit is to sort through all that sheet though? With all the great content on this site, you search for electric turbo, and it brings up EVERY instance of ELECTRIC and TURBO. How many times could that possibly be put in an import tuner site? I mean I search aa little before I post, but I hate the s**t handlebars posts, that guy goes off whenever he can. He drnks lots of HATERade.
the search function is there for a reason. it's selfish to not use it simply because one is lazy about it.


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anfrey said:
the search function is there for a reason. it's selfish to not use it simply because one is lazy about it.
Agreed, but the search function here is no Google. :cry:


OG スバリスト
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MySiIzFaster said:
Agreed, but the search function here is no Google. :cry:
haha true, the vB search engine is quite limited, but it works.


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anfrey said:
haha true, the vB search engine is quite limited, but it works.
Did you get a ride in yet?

Maybe u should plan on an Indiana meet in the spring.......


OG スバリスト
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MySiIzFaster said:
Did you get a ride in yet?

Maybe u should plan on an Indiana meet in the spring.......
haven't found a ride., i'm planning an indy meet for the end of the month. can u make it?


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anfrey said:
haven't found a ride., i'm planning an indy meet for the end of the month. can u make it?
Doubtful........it seems alot (5) of my friends are getting married October/Nov. But I'll free up in the spring and participate in most of those if any.


burnt axis
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We shouldn't make too much fun of the electric SC idea... I know there exists an electric SC that actually makes power, but most of these electric blowers that people talk about are useless. Look up the specs on some of the electric blower motors, and you'll know what I mean. A 1.6 L engine @ 7000 rpm will require almost 400 CFM (1.6L=0.056 CF, 0.056 * 7000 = ~400. See if any of those blowers can actually do that.
Here's a link to the one that supposedly works


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burntaxis said:
We shouldn't make too much fun of the electric SC idea... I know there exists an electric SC that actually makes power, but most of these electric blowers that people talk about are useless. Look up the specs on some of the electric blower motors, and you'll know what I mean. A 1.6 L engine @ 7000 rpm will require almost 400 CFM (1.6L=0.056 CF, 0.056 * 7000 = ~400. See if any of those blowers can actually do that.
Here's a link to the one that supposedly works
He's right. When I first started tooning and had my mx-3 i saw the thing on ebay. i thought it was a cool concept just like u. I went on mx-3.com (a much friendlier site) and found about 10 people who tried it or experimented with it for the f**k of it. The bottom line is it is more restirctive than anything. It does not make enough power to produce any gains. It actually restricts the amount of air getting into your engine. Three guys had engine problems, one actually killing their engine. Dont do it bud.


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burntaxis said:
We shouldn't make too much fun of the electric SC idea... I know there exists an electric SC that actually makes power....
Here's a link to the one that supposedly works

Yes, we should make fun of these electric supercharger idea. :twisted: :rolf: :laugh: :rolf: :laugh:

The parasitic drag from the alternator required to power an electric supercharger that actually created boost would be greater than that of a supercharger itself.

The weight of the batteries you could use in place of a larger alternator would again negate any gains.

These are foolish devices created for people that believe a huge aluminum wing is necessary on their D15 powered auto transmission LX sedan


Applesauce b***h!
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I am not making funn of the idea of an electric blower. Just of taping a leaf blower onto your intake manifold.


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if i were your friend who bought that from you, i would have cock smacked ya across the face as soon as you showed it to me.


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Beelzebubba said:
Yes, we should make fun of these electric supercharger idea. :twisted: :rolf: :laugh: :rolf: :laugh:

The parasitic drag from the alternator required to power an electric supercharger that actually created boost would be greater than that of a supercharger itself.

The weight of the batteries you could use in place of a larger alternator would again negate any gains.

These are foolish devices created for people that believe a huge aluminum wing is necessary on their D15 powered auto transmission LX sedan
You may want to read the article before you post. You dont use the altenator, it runs on batteries... Just read the article.
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kickere696 said:
wow you people are trully brutal, espectially for someone who was just asking a simple question, and about the logic of ya never know till ya try, i have common sence, i'm not stupid.
I'm not hatin!
Well you haven't exactly tried it yet have you?? And you haven't exactly showed us some dyno numbers.
