Electrical surge

Will Stewart

New Member
I have a 2008 si IV-tec.
last year I was experiencing electrical surges that would temporarily loose the power steering and turn the stereo off. It was determined that the clock ring was broken and then replaced. Indeed the clock ring was broken so it was changed.

This problem of a surge has returned and now it effects the wipers that they will not shut off and park. I either have to turn the engine off or shake the wiper switch to get them to shut off.

Now, the surging has returned with the power steering and radio being effected momentarily, especially when I am reversing in a paralleled parking situation.
The car is also now shutting off when the surge happens, very unnerving, although it starts right away again and then the problem seems to go away. Everything on the HUD lights up when the car stalls

We have taken the clock ring apart and checked the wiring a couple of times without seeing anything, doing it again today
This is a very intermittent problem that happens in dry or wet conditions, cold or warm.. It's driving me and my mechanic crazy
Anybody had this trouble before??


I had a Civic once.
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Is the CEL lit up at all? I would also check your grounds, clean them up and make sure they have good contact to an unpainted surface.

Will Stewart

New Member
CEL is not on at this time.

However 4 months ago the CEL did come on with an ECU error and I changed the relay. Everything worked fine
