Saw this yesterday. Apparently a power truck, met an acura that was trying to cross the street.
What i saw from a few blocks away and decided to investigate
Ouch. This was just after they moved the power truck away
Weird how the crash was no more than 1/4 mile away from this companys towyard
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Didn't know until now they just shovel up all the glass on the road, and toss it inside the car
I come around a corner on the other end of the block and see firetrucks blocking the road, and the nosey person i am when it comes to this kinda thing decides to investigate. I parked my truck about 100ft from the accident, and walked to about 15ft away from it. I see 3 firetrucks, 2 FHP cars, 1 u/c jeep, and a sheriff car but no ambulance, which is either a good sign or bad sign
They take the power truck away, and you could see the big bumper had creamed the acura right above the left-front wheel and halfway through the side of the door. I think had that bumper been built 2 more inches up, it would've just ripped the roof right off the car and saved the fire department time from using the
jaws of life [boogly boogly boogly lol The truck was one of those huge ford f-750 things. the monsters.
I didn't see any blood anywhere so i dont think someone got ripped apart, but i havent read the paper yet to find out what all happened.