Hey guys, so i made a thread early January about my D16y7 (227k Miles)having trans issues and being locked up in 2nd gear. Well it turned out to be the Gear selector was stuck in place, and got it fixed within a week!! So one week after the trans issue being fixed, coming home one night from a relatives house. I started hearing a knock in the motor and tried my best to short shift it and make it home!! As i got into my neighborhood the a loud thumb came from the motor and oil started spraying all over the engine bay firewall. while this happened the trans also popped out of 2nd gear, and i was about 200 feet away from my driveway. So my dumbass put the gearing back into 2nd and made it the driveway and instant motor shut off as it came to a dead stop. It turned out i blew a rod thru the bottom end of the block!!!!!!! i also went back to grab of what i could fine of the block pieces of the ground.