its a 5th gen eg and its a coupe. second your car is slow, maybe its quick around the track because of how it handles but it will still run a 16.2 at 84 mph. this is a club civic featured ride contest where looks and whats under the hood matter, not a which car is better at autox. at the end of the day you entered a car with a single bomber, stock interior, ugly knockoff wheels, and stickers from all the places you probably overpaid for your parts. i dont see one bit of effort put on this besides pumping up the jack to install your dc headers. your going to win anyway you dont have to write a 5 page essay defending yourself like the other kid said
heres a good example of a contest entry, and it will be right on your ass on an autox track with a decent driver
EG and Coupe are not one in the same. Don't believe me? Take a look at this chassis code list...
You have an EJ2, not an EGanything.
I don't care about what times my car would run on a drag strip, I've never been to a drag strip and I don't street race. That time is insignificant to me. Clearly this contest isn't for what car is better at doing X thing, look at current and previous entrants. My Falkens wheels are Falkens. I bought the Nippon wheels for street use so I could use a better tire and tire size. Stock steelies and stock tire size with mild performance tires will not fair well with my suspension setup on the street. So it's actually a necessity. Why would I spend $1000+ on shiny wheels to impress some kid when I can put that money to better use? I actually havn't overpaid for any of my parts and like I said in a previous post, the majority of the stickers were free and some aren't even parts related. Read my previous posts before you try to bring up that stuff again.
No effort? Stop thinking about motor and power for one second. How about the mass amounts of research I've done to get my suspension and handling where it is? If you didn't look at the pics, I swapped my motor. Little more work than jacking the car up.. If you question my mechanic skills, well, I've been a Toyota T-TEN certified techincian for 3 years with 5 years of on hand experience in dealerships and personal cars. I could swap a K motor or boost this car if I wanted to easily. Just like the numerous amounts of other Civics out there. It's not hard. Do I want it or need it? Nope.
This is a discussion forum. I can write what I wish and I don't believe any of my posts on this forum have truely been negative towards anyones cars or anyone in general. Unlike some others on here...
And that car you posted a picture of, regardless of a good driver or not or w/e motor or suspension it has, that car will NOT keep up. Sorry. Not with those crappy Kumho tires on it haha. And don't play that stupid "oh I know this persons car could beat your car" game. Give me a break...