First time civic owner!


New Member
Hey everybody just bought a 2000 civic ex to mod and stuffs. Got rid of my evo for it! That probably makes some of you cringe. But here's some pics!


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
By evo I hope you mean something other than the Mitsubishi evolution. If you do then I hope you have some good reason. A blown engine is not one.


New Member
Oh I mean evolution x. Bought the car for to much and it wasn't as clean as I like. So I sold it to a friend =) while I build a civic and save up for a new one


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I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: to ClubCivic!

Sucks you had to get rid of the Evo, but on the bright side you're saving a good bit of money. I had to sell my G35 as it was too much to afford along with my school loans and other stuff.

Anyways, welcome aboard! I fixed your image links too -- now they're not so tiny. :thumbs up


New Member
How do I just get them big to begin with ? And thanks! I plan on making a really awesome civic. I have a really good blank canvas lol
