got my new headlights in


the white hatch
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Lights look tight, well worth the wait


sTEalth MOde
Registered VIP
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headlights look freaking nice. just add the the lip man either flat black or the carbon you have. Hey you have like purple bulbs huh, where did you get those at.

$lick Rick

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are those leather seats?
mod list?


5th gen civics are it.
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
they look sweet


Unregistered User
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are the headlights blue tint? purple tint? ion tint? or is the bulbs reflecting to the lens of the headlights?

i like the ion tint headlights on the 96-98 civics, they look crazy, especially at night.


world war wilson
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
they're not any funny color headlight... just some silvania silverstars, they're probably just reflecting something else purple. as for the grill, i like it. it matches the rest of the black trim and would look like s**t painted silver.

they are leather seats that you see, gsr's to be exact. however, i'm not making a mods list until i complete my motor swap and get that rockin' so hold your horses.
