So, just to consolidate ideas and plans for meeting up on Friday, October 9th.
Possible locations:
1) UIC Garage
2) Dominicks off Canal & Roosevelt
3) Vago's Gyro's in Des Plaines
4) Buffalo Wild Wings on Touhy
Mainly seems like we'll do a meet up, around what time works for everyone? 7:30p or so? Sunset is around that time, so the likelihood of meeting for a time when there's still sun out is hard, since most people have work/school and stuff.
It would just be a meet for photographs and chat/cruise afterwords. Places around food is nice, UIC Garage/Dominicks is close to Maxwell's and all. But the Dominick's Parking lot typically has lots of cars coming in and out, so not all that quiet.
Places that are lowered car friendly is helpful also.
Time is set at 7:00pm at the Dominick's on Roosevelt and Canal on the South Loop side of Chicago for October 9th.