JDM Chicago meet very soon....photoshoot when it get's nice and the road is salt free i'll bring the eg by then well hofefully lol
this weekend. a six pack should do it..lol..you have 2 mufflers to clean just grab a beer or two and take your time!
Nooooo fuuuuuuckkkk thaaaaaat!!!!Thanks guys. Please keep an eye out. If you see anything my number 630 440-7010
im thinking your right on the money. its like a giant dmv? they know were to go. when to go. scope you out and you dont even know. i had a trailer stolen last year outa 2 inclosed and many boats WITH OUT locks they cut are lock off and take are s**t WTF?i think thieves surf forums and fish out the cars that way. i know for fact they HAVE to be doing that.