***GREAT LAKES General Discussion Thread***


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lol i been around just havent had any money or car troubles so i haven't really been on in the middel of a sick ass drag/ road course build.

i would really like to get a big group this summer to register on www.3ballsracing.com its a website that sets up road course events and like we went last summer to the gingerman one out in Michigan awesome track i have lots of pics from it if any one would like i allso have some video of it just let me know if you want me to post em

EG Owns u, I'm definitely down after I get my new ride =)


caca poopoo
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might go racing on sunday, rally cross by dekalb...
anyone interested?


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lol i been around just havent had any money or car troubles so i haven't really been on in the middel of a sick ass drag/ road course build.

i would really like to get a big group this summer to register on www.3ballsracing.com its a website that sets up road course events and like we went last summer to the gingerman one out in Michigan awesome track i have lots of pics from it if any one would like i allso have some video of it just let me know if you want me to post em
fo shoness. im down.


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my scoob needs a friend
how's it treating you?? what happend with the hks and other goodies you came across.
and shane, last thing i heard from you was that you wanted a s2k

might go racing on sunday, rally cross by dekalb...
anyone interested?
what time?

You can connect to the web with the Wii and download old school games.
yea, you gota buy em for the nintedo store.. so i was told.


caca poopoo
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how's it treating you?? what happend with the hks and other goodies you came across.
hks is on the car and the spring deal fell through
and im thinking about leaving around 11 or so.
if i decide to run it'll be earlier


caca poopoo
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zamn.. how does it sound??? im sure you can feel a diff. too

real quick..
apexi world sport2 or Buddy club spec4?
sounds good, cant really feel it a whole lot.
and i'd say APEXi
dont know why, but i like them.

EG-Owns you

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These are some pics from ginger man i do have alot more plus vids that i might post if i edit em sum time soon lol


and here are sum info on the next 2 events for 08!

Daniele and I just made the first two reservations for 2008. As with last year, we will open at Gingerman, and then head to Grattan. We are still working on some changes for the registration process, so registration will not open for another week or so. However, we wanted to let everyone know so they can get their schedules cleared. So, here are the details as of today:

Early spring opener: Saturday, April 12th at Gingerman
Cost: $150
Spots: 65

2nd Event: Friday, May 2nd at Grattan
Cost: $150
Spots: 65

We are also waiting to hear back from Grattan about Saturday, July 26th. If that dates becomes available, we will most likely book it. We have messages in with Mid-Ohio about a date in the summer as well. Stay tuned for more details.

3 Balls


Did sum1 say mud??
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Where are these tracks?? Far from me? Track racing does sound like it would be fun. But i catn afford to break anything.


caca poopoo
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i'll be into going this comming up year.
never drivin a course like that.
looks fun

EG-Owns you

Twin Tech Owns Your s**t!
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Where are these tracks?? Far from me? Track racing does sound like it would be fun. But i catn afford to break anything.

um they got to the track in wi to but ya track racing = lots of money and stress on your motor car tires breaks i would suggest new breaks and rotors before going and the Michigan's track is prolly like a 6 hour drive from you considering it takes about 2 for me to make it to tyrol basin around Madison


caca poopoo
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Where are these tracks?? Far from me? Track racing does sound like it would be fun. But i catn afford to break anything.
this one is in michigan.
if you cant break anything, i recomend not racing your car at all.
sooner or later, something always breaks
