

...""peep show""...
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
So I was thinking back to my years w/Hondas, and remembered my good' ol friend clubcivic where I use to spend hours reading through posts, and checking out others work in progress. Believe it or not for those that remember me, I'm still driving the hatch ( midori ) nothing really has changed. I only changed the suspension to P.I.C with a camber kit, and alignments from west end here in socal.

So I'm just back saying hello to those that are still here, and for those that moved on, even though you might not read this. Hope everyone is well.

Just reminiscing.


New Member
Registered VIP
well hello i did not know you but yea allot of old members you can say are gone but some remain. Very beautiful hatch.
