H22a into '98 civic


Under Pressure
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
its the year of the motor... thats what determines the OBD... you can also buy conversion harnesses so its not a big deal to find a motor that is OBD two...


New Member
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member

Hey true. I talked to Hmotors and they are hooking me uo with the complete change over and HAsport engine mounts for $2,674 It's not that bad. Then all i have to get is just the minor tune up things, I will also be getting a exedy racing clutch, water pump and timing belt just to be safe. I will be picking the engine up at thew end of this month and then the fun will begin, the only thing that i haven't figured out is that the exhaust manifold supposidly doesn't hook right up to my exhaust so I gotta figure out what to do about that.
