New Member
Should I bring the coil inside and test it or leave it in the distributor. I thought that the outside air has something to do with the readings I'll get. Thankyou Kenneth and RonJ!!!
Clink and read my Spark link in my signature.Ron I didn't know I had to do that with the internal resistance on my multi meter. This may sound like a stupid question but how do I do that.
1162 Ohms is out of spec, right?And I meant my ohm meter read 1162 not 11.62 .
Post a picture of your multimeter. You need to choose an Ohm scale near 10,000 - 20,000 Ohms.I am not sure if I put it on the right ohm setting but I put it on the one where I got a reading. One of them was 200ohms and the other one was the 20 ohm setting on my multimeter