MySiIzFaster said:Was that really a 60-140MPH wheelie?????? WTF???? Something isnt right about that.....
MySiIzFaster said:^^ A story for everything ^^
Ive looked through a lot of your past posts, and damn near everyone has a reference that you, your cousin, dad, SOMEBODY you know had the EXACT same thing happen..... DIdnt someone else flame on you for s**t like that??? CAn you post without adding your experiences (which most are outlandish) in there?
The hayabusa has a top speed of around 190mph so you're probably right. Heres a little spec page for a 1999 hayabusa I thinkgents97civ said:I call b.s. I have ridden many bikes and I can vouch that the speedo is off on this bike. Look at when he takes off. He is barely moving and it says he is goin 10 mph. He doesnt hardly rev the bike at all to take off. Also a normal bike does not come up at 50 mph without a blip of the throttle or clutching. This bike is clearly geared down and the speedo is innacurate becuase it goes off of the transmission rather than the front wheel like older bikes. Id say he is doin more like 180-185 maxed out.
TRUE. But obviously you can pull the governer off. (i think its 185 though)skinnyjdawg said:I could be way off but I read somewhere that in the US bikes top speeds are limited to 186mph by the insurance companies.