Hello: B16 coupe


boosted ftw
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baller bro. love how the engine bay is that color haha.


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--<EM1>-- said:
baller bro. love how the engine bay is that color haha.

Its not the teal. That is the donar motor. I assume this is the same as exterior.

Man that coupe is pretty hot.


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i never knew that invida makes an exhaust like that..what's it called? we need some motor shots


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Nick b16 said:
The seats came out of an EDM Vti hatch
Yep. The leather seats were an option in Germany. They are really comfy and give enough support, really love those seats. =)


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ruff_ridaz99 said:
i never knew that invida makes an exhaust like that..what's it called? we need some motor shots
The cat-back is an Invidia G200.
If you are referring to the header, it's a custom project of a friend of mine.

Nick b16

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Cleaned up my engine yesterday, looks much better now.
Man, removing the gasket of the intake manifold was a b***h! But i got the job done....with a little help from my brother

Almost ready to swap this thing now. Stil waiting on the clutch to arrive, gaskets and some other smal stuf


EG Hatch

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that valve cover is simply stunning. those seats look comfy too. too bad we dont get that option for those seats over here.

Nick b16

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Got some new stuf for my engine swap.
Oem Honda parts. Bolts,nuts,gaskets,seals and so on

Repared and respraid aircopump

And SRR camgears



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Looks like you got a nice build up!


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did those seats come of a pilot ? cuz i jst noticed that they are the same ones that my sis has on her MDX HELLA COMFY.


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ST8JDM said:
did those seats come of a pilot ? cuz i jst noticed that they are the same ones that my sis has on her MDX HELLA COMFY.
D-Rex said:
Nick b16 said:
The seats came out of an EDM Vti hatch
Yep. The leather seats were an option in Germany. They are really comfy and give enough support, really love those seats.
German EK4 option.....

Nick b16

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Worked on the engine swap some more with my brother and some friends,and got a little work done.

Me,a friend,and my bro looking all technical........


Nice and clean enginebay.

Thats still the old valvecover btw. The new one will go in after the swap, to avoid damaging it.
Cleaned up the trunk a little bit and installed a Summit strut.

Thats all for now. I`m just glad i`m finally getting somewhere with this.
It took a whole lot of time and energy finding,ordering the right parts, so i`m glad that i`ve got all the stuff i need to make it happen. Hope to get it done this weekend or the next.....i think,no sence rushing things though.
