Thanx for the replies glad you all like the motor 8) Havent replied sooner as i lost my internet use at home.
Recently sprayed up my type r grill and fitted looks a lot better from the front, should have my C/f bonnet within a week and my 99-00 rear lights soon also. I'll post up more pics when i have all this done just to keep you all up to date. Will also post up pics of the Weston Wheels Show with a local South West Civics car stand.
Importlegions - Yeh in the UK theres a lot of young and naive kids who rice out their motors and think they look quality with 4 farting bean cans rasping awap, bless them
Too much RICE in the UK full stop.
LowNotSlow - Nope dont read that magazine, why do you ask? ive never heard of that magazine in the UK before
Hot hatch!!! Can we see more pics of the TYPE R lol - LMAO No, ive got more pics but dont think i should post them on a civic based forum 8)
nice little hatch you have there. Put a wing and you'll set it off. Keep up the good work and welcome to clubcivic - Type R one is the future maybe in C/F they retail at £385 here