help me out please


New Member
wuts up club civic members i need you help on a situation..? So i went to go get a transmission flush today cost me 40$ bec. i knew the dude usually costs 124.99$ but anyway he told me that when he was pouring out my old tranny fluid that it was cracked and needs to be sealed, but its just a small line and its not completely cracked it was just dripping when the fluid was coming out he sed it would cost about 1000$ to fix.. what could i do is there a cheaper way to get outta this or do i needa pay..? need you help its a 2000 civic ex


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$1000 to fix a crack? how well do you know the guy cause it seems to me he's just trying to make money off you..that is like..8 hours of labor. i bet he'd just take the money, buy you another tranny, keep the profit.


Ex-Gang Member
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yeah, if it wasn't leaking before... he probably cracked it.


New Member
well when he was pouring out the old tranny fluid at the end when it was dripping out it was goin down the line at the bottom of the tranny where the fluid comes out .. it looked like just drops nothing major but he told me you have to take apart the tranny and seal it...? so how much is a tranny and to install it.. ? cheaper than 1000$


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$1k to take apart a tranny and seal? damn that's pricey. you could buy one and replace it for way cheaper...


New Member
yea thats why i didnt do it i was like wut...?? the leak doesnt look that bad i seen its a small seep doesnt drip out wen im driving but when changin the fluid it drips..


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So if the ONLY time it drips is when you are changing the fluid, why even bother?


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i dunno why u changed the tranny fluid anyways, i heard you wasnt suppose to change it


The ONLY Finnish-Canadian
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i say maybe it could be your crush washer that goes behind the drain bolt.....maybe.
no crack would just "seep" slowly, especially a tranny that gets all sorts of abuse on it. the crack would bust open and it would be BAD!!!!

dont listen to this mechanic. he's taking you for a ride.

also maybe take a pic of where the leak is coming from so we can help better.


New Member
alright ill try and get a pick up tomorrow if anything .. i was due for a tranny flush when i took the dipstick out it wasnt a pinkish fluid it was dark red .. had a lil metal inside it as well


New Member
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I would at least get a second opinion from someone else. It's hard to trust any mechanic.


hardcore rice
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the mechanic probably don't know s**t anyway. why didnt you do it yourself? its easy, flush it out and put in new fluid.


Just hand me the wrench.
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Pics, please. We have a lot of mechanically competent and experienced people on here who are willing to help you. If it's nothing, we'll tell you. If your transmission's about to explode into a pile of junk and you really should take the car somewhere to get it fixed, we'll tell you. Only difference between us and a mechanic is we're not here to make money off of you.


New Member
i dunno why u changed the tranny fluid anyways, i heard you wasnt suppose to change it
you want to change your tranny fluid every 40-50k miles....if you dont, i always tell customers not to because then you can cause damage to an un-damaged tranny. by draining the fluid at lets say 100k miles, while draining it u may cause metal shaving that may be in ur tranny to move to somewhere that may cause damage and now your perfectly working tranny grinds...(at least thats what im told to say)


Definitely post pics of the crack. If you can't find it, take the car back to the mechanic and have him point it out. Bring your camera and take a clear, focused picture.
