put it in ''R" for racing.SeanJohn1802 said:whats so "R" about it anyways?
...nice I was waiting for Dan to come post here..ya his Si is pretty fastSeanJohn1802 said:you wont kill my Si with that setup you got buddy, sorry . .
whats so "R" about it anyways?
I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING!!! ahahhahaharay ray said:why do you have hood pins if it opens from the revervse end?
I figured it out,pop-n-fresh said:I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING!!! ahahhahaha
thats always helpful but my vote is that its on there to attract the ladies.ray ray said:I figured it out,
Its for when your going 95 in reverse and your hood wont fly off. j/k
So insted of "Hood rat" its "Hood pin rat"....................... *Homer Voice* DOE!x007den said:thats always helpful but my vote is that its on there to attract the ladies.
you drive a honda civic, you can never win. you are perma numba 2!undercoverSI said:i win!!!!!!!