Hero new to the scene !!

Scubaa Stevee

New Member
Y image.jpg Hi my names Steve I recently am starting to get into the honda car scene I drive a 1997 Acura EL D16y8 5peed I have some idea what I want to do intake header exhaust but I'm currently looking for a
Ecu Nts how go about it I don't much if I can get an ecu bring it some where or how
Works haha but here's a pic of my car


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
Welcome to the site! good looking car you've got there. it may just be a trick of the light, but it looks like you have some of the common fender rust on there. i'd nip that quick before i'd start modding if it were my car.


I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: to ClubCivic!

Yep, definitely take care of that rust before it gets too late! Rust killed my car. :(

Do you need a new ECU or you're just looking for one? If you don't need a new one, don't replace it. You'll only cause issues, and you will not get any power or performance increase.

Scubaa Stevee

New Member
Thanks guys !! Ya I live in northern Ontario -38 this morning lol so the car has that rust for sure started coming through now but soon as spring starts I'm onnaneat put a new rear quarter in for sure !! But ya it'll be fixed the cars actually
In great over all shape doing a tranny swap tho she's noisey haha.

By any chance is this a good
Website for buying parts an such I'm in canada I'm Nts if there's many ppl from Ontario on here or
Is there a local website for me


I had a Civic once.
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Damn, and I thought our -7 feels like -28 temps were cold...

I believe Justin (admin here) will ship to Canada. Shoot @Jay Jay a private message in regards to any products you may want, he'll get back to you for sure. :thumbs up


Mr. Search
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Like the look of the EL.
It's like the 6th gen Civic and 5th gen Accord had a baby.
