All of you who are trying to state otherwise are being owned by handlebarsfsr.
I didn't see it said anywhere so I'll break here to you guys here.
Lets say our fuel's maximum detonation threshold is at a c/r of 11.5:1. We'll make two identical engines, one is boosted to attain an actual c/r of 11.5 (Motor A) and one N/A with a c/r of 11.5 @ max VE (Motor B), the boosted engine would actually produce more power (all else being equal). This due to the fact that the boosted engine will take in more fuel and air (the purpose of the FI, right?) therefore when it attains that 11.5 c/r (even though it originally had, say a c/r of 8.5:1) the mixture inside the cylinders are actually much denser. What's this mean? The combustion process would produce higher pressure over the entire process of the power stroke. Whereas in the N/A motor the pressure would drop of gradually as the crankshaft progressed in degrees. Remember that power is proportional to the amount of average pressure over the entire stroke. After about 30 degrees of the crank angle, the N/A motor would begin to drop off in pressure quite a bit. The turbo motor would drop but at a much slower rate than the n/a and that is where turbo power really begins to shine.
Okay, so what if we turbo the 10.6:1 c/r B18C5 to attain a ratio of 11.5 (Motor C). Boost would still have to be kept lower than Motor A (to prevent pre-ignition and/or detonation) and once again, the charge isn't quite as dense as A and once again the pressure after about 30 degrees will drop off quicker than A. Peak pressure will be identical so both engines will take the same amount of strain yet the higher boosted engine produces more power.
If you can boost the hi-comp motor without having to retard timing or add excess fuel (read: power robbing) or you aren't planning to run that much boost, then by god go for it. But if your goal is gobs of boost on octane limited fuel then consider the lower compression for a margin of safety and at times better overall power. It's all compromises, compromises.