Honda revs up (Like matting throttle)

That one EF

New Member
Hey, I have a 1988 Honda Civic EF, 3 door hatch. D15b1 Dpfi,

Car broke down last winter due to nasty intake mani,

Got a new intake manifold, New IACV valve, New pcv valve, new pcv valve hose and cleaned ventilator.
Replaced the intake manifold gasket, fixed vacuum leaks, replaced throttle body and injectors, cleaned throttle plates. Messed with idle, it's all okay, But, the car still revs up like it's at full throttle. goes all the way to 5k on the damn dot. I won't let it bang the limiter but it will if I let it. Took off the negative for 5-15 minutes. Same issue. Even when throttle cable is un hooked.

That one EF

New Member
I take it this is a troll. Stated, New Intake manifold gasket, does it with throttle unhooked, the tps may need calibration


I had a Civic once.
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I take it this is a troll.
You've assumed wrong. @boofoo is one of the most knowledgeable guys on this forum.

Just because you have a new gasket does not mean it was installed correctly.

Did your TPS come with the DPFI setup? Are you sure that it's a DPFI TPS? A standard TPS will not work.

That one EF

New Member
All the parts were replaced from another civic. Exact model, Gasket from rock auto.


I had a Civic once.
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Have you checked the throttle plate as suggested earlier? Is it fully closed?


Totally different setup but did some work on my tahoe a few weekends back ended up with the same issue. Looked everything over (or so I thought) for almost an hr. Called my buddy on the phone to ask for suggestions but I noticed what I did while sitting on the phone. Forgot to hook the brake booster back up. Aside from the fact my story won't help you fix your problem it is easy to overlook one small thing. Sometimes it just takes a different angle to catch something or another pair of eyes. Surfing through other posts I can say boofoo can be a little "harsh" sometimes but he is almost always the first person to offer assistance and seems quite knowledgeable. Also his comment about covering the throttle in a situation like yours is a simple and dead giveaway there is a nasty leak somewhere. If you cover the throttle and it stays running it's pulling in air from somewhere else.
