the way i think of it, when i buy a car it is for me i buy it for my comfort not for anybodly elses. if they dont like getting in the back seat of a coupe then their f**ckd and should deal with it its my car and the one i like, neither am i spending an X and X amount of money on a car for other peoples convenience...
and secondly im not lazy enough let propping a seat forwards bother me.
on another note:
another thing i notice all these people that buy these land barge SUV's hardly ever have any more than themselves in the car or never have "anyhting" in the SUV, and thats a constant around here one person in an 8 person 5,000 pound SUV all the time i hardly ever see them up to capacity.. in that case these peeps should rent SUV's or pickups when they really need them...
and secondly im not lazy enough let propping a seat forwards bother me.
on another note:
another thing i notice all these people that buy these land barge SUV's hardly ever have any more than themselves in the car or never have "anyhting" in the SUV, and thats a constant around here one person in an 8 person 5,000 pound SUV all the time i hardly ever see them up to capacity.. in that case these peeps should rent SUV's or pickups when they really need them...