Well I went to the doctors today, and thank god, everything is ok. I told him what happened and then he asked me questions for about 10 min (do you drink, smoke, exercise, was this 1st time, dugs, blah blah blah).
Then he check my blood pressure and whatnot. After that he told me, "Ahmed you have nothing to worry about". After talking to you, I knew right away what happened and the I used to have the same problem what I was young. Basically, my blood pressure and heart rate are low when I aren't exercising. This is extremely common among athletes. When you're laying down or sleeping your blood pressure (of any human) drops low. If you already have low blood pressure, it'll drop even more. So when you wake up and immediately stand up, the blood has to pump vertically, which will take a little bit... in that time, there is very little blood in your brain and you feel dizzy because your blood pressure is still low. If you try and do something without for a tiny bit, there's a good chance you will faint because some nerve is affected by low blood pressure. He told me thats what was happening to me after he checked my blood pressure and heart rate. It is also common for people with this condition to feel dizzy and faint during hot weather if they do not keep themselves hydrated. So he told me to drink a lot of water, eat more salty food (he actually also said i could eat a lot more fast food).
He said, since when I fainted (both times), it was in the morning after waking up, so thats likely what happened (low blood pressure which caused me to pass out). He said, I highly doubt it had to do anything with the images you saw, although there is also a condition for that (forget what its called). That condition tends to happen more frequently and after it happens, the victim is really tired and usually has a long sleep afterwards. The doc is having me do a blood test to make sure everything else is fine too.
So he told me, when I wake up, just sit up for a minute or so, and you should be fine. During the day, I should also keep myself well hydrated especially during warm weather.
So there you have it. I'm so relieved that its nothing serious. He actually said, having a low heart rate usually means you're quite healthy