cool cool Flag has been drop BTW those rims are crazy thats not OEM just put the H caps in right?
if civics cost so much in pakistan i'm guessin' there's not many around, so why the f**k would you get internals so cheap. BSsamad said:yea ther not really OEM.
i guess u have to be kinda well off since the cars already runnin me about 13000 dollars and a new civic costs abot twice that but whoever owns a civic can afford the mods. besides the car everything else is damn cheap,like for example if i blew my internals i could replace em for about 140 dollars.
thedon365 said:if civics cost so much in pakistan i'm guessin' there's not many around, so why the f**k would you get internals so cheap. BS
if your civic cost so much, how the f**k can anyone in pakistan afford an S2000, if they could, WHY would they waste their time and race a f**kin' civic. BS
also if your only 18, and civics cost so much, i'm guessin' that your parents have got an Evo 8 and a Skyline to go to work in?
another thing is why do most pakistani people migrate to England when they can afford to, but your so rich that you dont have to, a lot of my friends' families originate from pakistan and they say when their family is healthy and wealthy enough they come to England for better oportunities and wealth, then they send money back to family in pakistan that ain't as well off.
undercoverSI said:What the f**k are you talking about? He showed you pics, why are you still calling BS retard. And I hope everyone of you racist assholes that called BS on him before are feeling like a bunch of dumbasses right now...
i called bs...does that mean im racist?? what does not beliveing someone have to do with being racist?
thats not even close to the b16, thats what the stock d16 makes. my b16a3 puts down 167whp pretty much in stock dress.SeanMc300 said:umm sorry to clue you in, has 85whp stock. so for 6psi (lets give him 8hp per psi) that would equal 133whp....thats the equivilent of a stock b16....
I dont know about it being slow as hell, maybe you just dotn know how to drive itundercoverSI said:b16's are no where neaer 167 whp me i drive one and its slow as hell...
and maybe you didnt say anything racist seanmc, but other people did...i dont care if you call BS on anyone, I do it too...but alot of people were saying racist remarks in this thread...
one might say you're almost a full second behind.b16_delslow said:are you sure you drive it right? cause its not slow at all. its not the fastest car on the road but im only a half second behind my buddys srt on the 1/4
thats right he runs 14.0 and i pull out actually a 14.7
twist the #'s however you want
Then the SRT owner will spend $300, upgrade his turbo and run 13s around all day.b16_delslow said:true. but for stock dress thats not bad and is certainly not slow as hell. im still piecing together my turbo kit. (the dif. between mine and this guys though is im having it dyno tuned by pain industries) and there's still a little more to do from there. when the turbo is on though itl kill stock srt's. i can already take them on an autocross course because of my suspension.